Lodge Primary School


At Lodge, we encourage our pupils to share and value others because of their uniqueness, whilst celebrating and appreciating difference in our school community. Our children are encouraged to be active, responsible team players who care about each other and all members of our society.

Through our curriculum, all of our children are encouraged to be enthusiastic and curious, take ownership of their learning and be fully engaged children with a lifelong love of learning. Our aim is to provide our pupils with a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which equips them with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful in life. Children at Lodge are encouraged to have high aspirations and pursue their dreams. We seek to inspire pupils by linking their learning with the world of work and higher education. 

We use a range of local and national resources and schemes to help us underpin a curriculum which is designed for all, despite different starting points. We recognise the importance of core curriculum skills throughout our foundation curriculum and where possible we teach lessons in a cross-curricular way. Throughout our curriculum, we make best use of assessment information to enable our pupils to reach goals and beyond through challenge from adults, their peers and themselves. 

Our curriculum features many enrichment experiences and children are provided with lessons where they get to express their ideas and learning through arts. We aim also to take your child out of the classroom to enhance their learning experience whenever possible. We do this by organising trips and enrichment opportunities. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview


whole school curriculum folder 2023 24.pdf




Learning this term 



Our Topic for Summer 2 in Nursery is ‘Our Wonderful World’. We will be learning all about Our Wonderful World – the places people live and the different types of homes they live in. We will be looking at nature around us and finding out about how plants grow. We will also take a look under the sea and find out about what we might see.


The Natural World: In Reception this half term, we are learning about our beautiful world, particularly about growth and change in nature. To bring our learning to life we have real life caterpillars to help us learn about the butterfly life-cycle, a visit from the animal man to help us learn about exotic creatures and their habitats and we are planting sunflower seeds to observe growth over time. Reception will also learn about other countries and compare and contrast them to where we live. Finally, we will investigate how we can improve our local area by recycling more and considering the use of plants and flowers to improve the health of the environment. 


Year 1

This term’s topic in Year 1 is Turrets and Tiaras! We will be studying the British Monarchy, identifying features of castles and even seeing one up close, on our trip in April, to Warwick Castle. We shall be comparing monarchs and their royal homes around the UK.

Year 2

In year 2 we have launched our topic 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside'. We shall be comparing holidays from the past to holidays nowadays using different historical sources such as pictures and postcards. We will be learning where there are different seaside locations and what makes them special. We will make Punch and Judy puppets as part of DT and will be creating seaside prints as part of art. We are also going to be visiting Barry Island in Wales.

Year 3

During the summer term, Year 3 will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks. We will look into what Greeks did in their daily life, what gods they believed in and how they have impacted Britain today. Year 3 will also get the opportunity to design and create their very own Greek pots and experience a memorable day with a Greek Expert.




Year 4

Our topic this term is chocolate, mainly focusing on the Mayans. To launch our topic, we will be making Mayan headdresses. We will also be visiting Cadbury World and exploring the history of chocolate making as well as finding out more about the Mayans. Throughout the summer term, we will be exploring the Mayan civilisation using a range of sources. We will discover who the Mayans were, how they lived and what their legacy was.

Year 5

Get ready to step back in time to World War II, a time filled with heroes, challenges, and big changes! In Year 5, we explore this amazing part of history.  Children will learn to explore the causes, key events, and lasting impacts of this global conflict. Through fun games, exciting stories, and local sources, we'll discover how people lived during this time and why it's so important to understand our history.

So, grab your gear and let's embark on an amazing adventure to uncover the secrets of World War II together!

Year 6

Who's your hero? Maybe it's a relative, a friend or even a fictional character. Come along with us and step behind the door of Hogwarts. Discover the true heroes who helped Harry Potter escape the burdensome life of living with the ruthless Dursleys!


Summer Curriculum Newsletter


Spring Curriculum Newsletter 





Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1000)

  • Art
  • Computing
  • Design and Technology
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Religious Education
  • Science