Lodge Primary School


At Lodge, we encourage our pupils to share and value others because of their uniqueness, whilst celebrating and appreciating difference in our school community. Our children are encouraged to be active, responsible team players who care about each other and all members of our society.

Through our curriculum, all of our children are encouraged to be enthusiastic and curious, take ownership of their learning and be fully engaged children with a lifelong love of learning. Our aim is to provide our pupils with a rich, broad and balanced curriculum which equips them with the skills, knowledge and understanding to be successful in life. Children at Lodge are encouraged to have high aspirations and pursue their dreams. We seek to inspire pupils by linking their learning with the world of work and higher education. 

We use a range of local and national resources and schemes to help us underpin a curriculum which is designed for all, despite different starting points. We recognise the importance of core curriculum skills throughout our foundation curriculum and where possible we teach lessons in a cross-curricular way. Throughout our curriculum, we make best use of assessment information to enable our pupils to reach goals and beyond through challenge from adults, their peers and themselves. 

Our curriculum features many enrichment experiences and children are provided with lessons where they get to express their ideas and learning through arts. We aim also to take your child out of the classroom to enhance their learning experience whenever possible. We do this by organising trips and enrichment opportunities. 

Whole School Curriculum Overview

2024 25 whole school curriculum overview.pdf



Learning this term 



In Nursery our topic in Spring 1 is Let’s Dress Up! This half term we will be learning about people who help us, both real and imaginary. We will talk about the different jobs people do, where they work and what equipment they use in their jobs. We will also be finding out ways in which we can be helpful at home and at school.


Spring 1- People Who Help Us

This half term, we are learning about different members of our community who help us through the work they do. We have visits from both the firefighters and the police to enhance our learning about these different job roles. The children will also be encouraged to share their own experiences of their family and members of their community. 



Year 1

Let's go on a journey to the moon with Neil Armstrong and set sail on a voyage around the world with Jean Barrett. We will be joining these two fabulous explorers and investigating how they are significant internationally. What an expedition Lodge will be going on!

Year 2

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

This term, Year 2 will embark on an exciting journey back in time to explore the dramatic events of the Great Fire of London! As historians, we will be sharpening our inference skills as we investigate the mystery of how the fire started and what might have caused it. We will also dive deep into the past by comparing houses from 1666 with the modern homes we live in today. To add even more intrigue, we will also make connections between modern day events such as the tragic, Grenfell Tower fire of 2017 and the historic Great Fire of London.

Year 3

This term, year 3 will travel back to 2500 BC and explore the wonders of ancient Egypt. They’ll uncover secrets of the afterlife, learn about mummification and Egyptian gods and get creative by creating their own stunning Egyptian jewellery. It's an exciting venture in history packed with discovery, creativity and fun.




Year 4

This term we will be learning about the Rotten Romans. The history of the Romans is an exciting journey through ancient times, where a small city-state called Rome grew into one of the most powerful empires the world has ever known. In Year 4, we will learn how the Romans built impressive cities, roads, and structures, and learn about how they created ideas about law and government that still influence us today. We will be discovering their amazing achievements like the Colosseum and aqueducts.

Year 5

This term we will be studying the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. We will learn and study about their beliefs, religion, settlements, invasion and the monarchy. Whilst learning about the Anglo-Saxons in Year 5. Disaster struck!

The Vikings invaded and have been let loose at Lodge. The Viking tribes from 5B and 5E will battle it out to see who will sail across the tides of the Northern Sea in their Long Boats (made in D.T). Let the battle commence. Which Viking Tribe will be triumphant?

Year 6


Let's explore the five layers of the ocean as well as investigate the benefits and potential dangers of the ocean. Oh my! Is that the remains of the Titanic I can see? Who was Delia McDermott? Did she survive the Titanic disaster? Year 6 will be investigating social inequality on the Titanic and its society at the time.


Autumn Curriculum Newsletter



Spring 25 Curriculum Newsletters






Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1000)

  • Art
  • Computing
  • Design and Technology
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Mathematics
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • PSHE
  • Religious Education
  • Science