Lodge Primary School

Opening Olympics Festival

This year, our  children  brought the spirit of the Olympics to life with a vibrant and memorable opening ceremony, showcasing their creativity and appreciation for diverse cultures from around the world.
The excitement began with an exploration of the upcoming Olympic Games, which will be held in France.  We held a French day where the children of Lodge  learned about  France: its traditions and customs and landmarks. 
 Each class  immersed themselves in the cultures of their chosen  countries, working together to create unique performances that reflected their nation's traditions and heritage. The result was a spectacular showcase of dances, songs, and stories, each brimming with enthusiasm and creativity. Our school choir added an extra layer of enchantment to the opening ceremony  by singing songs from various countries around the world. 
The Olympic Opening Ceremony at Lodge   was more than just a performance; it was a celebration of diversity and unity . It provided our  children with an opportunity to learn about different cultures, express their creativity, and work together.
Parent of a child in Year 1 - 'I loved watching my child singing and waving the England flag. I felty lucky to witness this.' 
Parent of a child in Year 5- 'I'm so proud of my daughter for doing the haka with her class. It was lovely to see her fully embrace the role of the leader and she led by example.'