Lodge Primary School

Whole school Art Mural

At  Lodge Primary School , we believe in the power of art to inspire and transform. This term, our  children  from Reception - Year 6 had the incredible opportunity to work with Kirsty Adams, an  art teacher from George Salters Academy, to create a stunning piece of artwork that embodies our school value of aspirations.
Our project began with the creation of a motto: "Together We Soar to Success." This powerful statement is not only reflected in our school value of aspiration but ​of team work and resilience.   To visually represent this motto, we chose the eagle as our central symbol. The eagle, with its impressive strength and ability to soar to great heights, perfectly captures  the ideals of power, vision, and aspiration.
Our children were thrilled with the outcome. Here are a few reflections from those who participated:
  •  Year 5 child  Gracie-Mae : "Working on this project using the stippling technique  taught me that we can achieve great things when we work together."
  • Year 4 child : "I loved learning the  new art techniques  and seeing how our individual pieces came together to make something amazing. It was a fun and inspiring experience."
Thank you Kirsty for helping us achieve this amazing piece of work. 

Art mural